Irene F. Whittome

Words get in the way # 5

Words on canvas
189 x 136 cm (74,5 x 53,5 po)
Price available on request

About the artist

Irene F. Whittome

Irene F. Whittome

The artistic career of Irene F. Whittome spans over forty years. Born in Vancouver in 1942, the artist settled in Montreal in 1968, where she carries out, in conjunction with her art practice, a career as a visual arts professor at Concordia University. Today, she is recognized by prestigious awards such as the Paul-Emile-Borduas Award (1997) and the Girshorn Iskowitz Award (1992). In addition, her work has been showcased in considerable museums; specifically the Montreal Contemporary Museum of Fine Arts (1997) and the Museum of Quebec (2000).